Exciting news- CRISIS VECTOR is finally here! The complete collection is now available on my shop for digital download. Get it now! Crisis Vector blends Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, Japanese roleplaying games, and ’80s rock operas together into an incredible epic tale with memorable characters and non-stop creativity. Written and created by Erik Radvon, featuring art…
Author: Erik Radvon
LadyDarke 4 – Page 11
LadyDarke #4 This is an extremely comic book-y comic book page. The banter, the pacing, the action…I love it. Our cast of characters really mix it up here, literally colliding after running to and from each other throughout the issue. Samir did a great job with all the technical details here- the facility, the catwalks,…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 10
LadyDarke #4 We now do a quick cut back to Shadow Shot. He’s dazed and confused from the sudden door strike from Wulf earlier in the story. This page is all military ops style dialogue – he’s a mercenary, and his clients are well versed in his line of work. His status updates here are…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 9
LadyDarke #4 This page is all about momentum. The pace quickens, with action across each panel. I like how Samir structured this, with the bottom 3 panels making for quick cuts. We’re in a frenzied chase scene as our heroes try to plow through the opposition and make their way to their goal. You’ll notice…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 8
LadyDarke #4 Here we go. Page 8 marks a turning point and sets the tone for the remainder of the issue. As the issue title “Night Raid” implies, we’re raidin’ and it’s dark. I really tried to loosen my scripting and plotting this issue, thinking in bigger sweeps and bigger action. This allows for larger…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 7
LadyDarke #4 The tables (or in this case, the doors) have turned. ShadowShot is knocked off his assassin’s perch by DarkWulf’s sudden and unexpected moves. This shifts the momentum for both LadyDarke + Wulf and for ShadowShot. Both parties were attempting to approach their respective situations with stealth, agility, and concealment. Now all bets are…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 6
LadyDarke #4 Three big panels on this page as the action starts to escalate. Last page introduced the lurking ShadowShot, and here we pivot the POV through his scope. The assassin ShadowShot is used to having the advantage against most his adversaries, but not so fast this time! DarkeWulf’s supernatural instincts key him into something…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 5
Enter: ShadowShot! The mercenary bounty hunter introduced in LadyDarke #3 enters the fray in a big way this issue. I love what Samir has done with the trees and shadows in these opening pages. Also props to letterer Micah Myers for deftly handling the different layers of dialogue, radio chatter, and sound effects needed here….
Site updates and new digital comics
After a long creative slumber, I’m waking up! I’ve reworked things around here, rolling out some site changes, updating the shop, and embarking on a daily blog series. Let’s dive in. New Digital Comics New digital comics are finally available! LadyDarke #1, #2, and #3 are now available for e-purchase, as well as my complete…
LadyDarke 4 – Page 4
LadyDarke #4, Page 4. Breaching the gates!
LadyDarke 4 – Pages 2 and 3
Here’s pages 2-3 of LadyDarke #4. I love following the pattern of full-page splash (see page 1 here) and then double-page splash. Kirby. TMNT. It’s just so…comics. A way to grab a reader and throw them into another world, totally unique to the comic book medium.
LadyDarke 4 – Page 1
The unreleased “lost” issue #4 of LADYDARKE, releasing serially here page-by-page over the next few weeks. Without further ado, here’s page 1! Page 1 LadyDarke #4
RIP my old movie theater, and probably yours too
One of my local movie theaters closed down last month. The backstory isn’t an unfamiliar one- rising rents, COVID impacts that never quite subsided, inflation, changing viewing habits, aging owners seeking retirement. Choose one or choose all. The theater, Cinema World in bucolic Fitchburg, MA, until March 31 sat on an old school stretch of…
Ode to the HD DVD: 2nd in the market, 1st in our hearts
I recently picked up a trove of HD DVDs and a standalone HD DVD player off of Facebook Marketplace (damn you, Zuck!) for a cool $30. Despite having a house outfitted with 4K TVs and a sprawling selection of streaming services at my fingertips, I’ve found myself oddly obsessed with watching movies on this obsolete…
Plastic City Comic Con ’23 Wrap-Up
This past Saturday I attended Plastic City Comic Con 2023. The convention is right in my area here in Central Massachusetts, so I’ve tabled at it each and every year. The venue has changed a few times- starting in Leominster’s Veteran’s Center, then jumping to Fitchburg’s Wallace Civic Center, and this year making the leap…