Well, it looks like we may finally might have a release date for the RetroN 5. Hyperkin has just released the following picture on their Facebook page that leaves little to the imagination: Post by Hyperkin. Has the day finally come? Tough to tell. Hyperkin has previously announced release dates only to (often clumsily) retract…
Author: Erik Radvon
Summer Comics Events Showdown – Marvel’s Original Sin vs. DC’s New 52: Futures End
Warm weather is finally breaking here in North America, and for comic fans that means the season of the massive summer crossover is upon us. Each year, the Big Two (and increasingly, other publishers) roll out their “event” books, bringing together throngs of heroes and villains for a run at large scale storytelling. Like Hollywood…
RetroN 5 – Coming Soon or The Phantom Console?
UPDATE! Hyperkin has spoken on the state of the RetroN 5. In a video posted to the company’s Facebook page today, Product Developer Chris Gallizzi reassures the teaming masses that yes, the RetroN 5 is real, and it will be releasing. The exact date still remains a mystery. Watch Hyperkin’s update on the RetroN 5:…
Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced
The Good Dude from Attack the Block Andy Serkins (u mad Peter Jackson?) Adam Driver Max Von Sydow is legend. Daisy Ridley looks like she could be the daughter of Harrison Ford and Carrier Fisher. The Bad Where’s Billy Dee Williams? Seriously, you’re making Episode VII and there’s no Lando? Megafail. The Ugly Episode 1…
Ciao, Craig – TV’s Craig Ferguson Leaving CBS’ ‘Late Late Show’
I’ve found Ferguson to be wildly uneven– sometimes a madcap carnival leader, other times so sullen and offbeat it was hard to find a footing as a viewer. Overall, I’ve enjoyed his show if for no other reason than it being so unpredictable. He brought the right kind of energy to 12:30, but didn’t seem…
Frankenstein Comic Production Art
Pencils by John Blevins from our upcoming Frankenstein comic…
Hyperkin Retron 5 – April Release or Delayed Indefinitely?
Conflicting reports out there on the Interwebs regarding the fate of the Retron 5 console. Manufacturer Hyperkin is sticking to their guns and claim the retro gaming box will see wide release in April. However, with April now just a couple of weeks away and still no actual release date on the calendar, something seems…
Chris Claremont tho
Chris Claremont wrote a crazy soap opera funnybook for just shy of 20 years. Reading it as a kid, it defined my worldview. This New York Magazine article from back in 2000 provides a nice crash course in the dynamic, exciting, and ever-melodramatic Marvel comic, the Uncanny X-Men. “X-Men,” says Claremont, “has always been about…
The Adam of Dreams – A Frankenstein Comic Script
Hi Ya’ll, So I wrote a script for an indie comics anthology last year. The script ended up not being the publisher’s cup of tea for their particular collection (which is cool) and into the archives it went. I kept the piece in my files and used it as a sample boilerplate for artists I…
End of an Error – Jay Leno’s Last Tonight Show
It’s the end of an era in the increasingly irrelevant world of broadcast television as Jay Leno steps down as host of the Tonight Show for a second and presumably last time. Today also in a way marks the end of a long series of errors, from NBC’s appointment of Leno over Letterman, the two…
RetroN 5 Available for Pre-Order (Again)
Let’s try this again, shall we? Hyperkin’s much hyped RetroN 5 console, originally slated for a 2013 release but delayed until the first quarter of this year, is once again available for pre-order on Amazon. The retro gaming device sports compatibility with a staggering number of older video game formats, including Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega…
Hyperkin Shows Off RetroN 5 with Sega Power Base Converter
Hyperkin has released some new pictures of the RetroN 5 via its Facebook page. The images showcase the retro console’s compatibility with the Sega Power Base Converter, a peripheral produced for the Sega Genesis that provides backwards compatibility with Sega Master System cards and cartridges. View the Latest RetroN 5 Pics on Hyperkin’s Facebook Page…
CRYPT ZERO Comic Script
Here’s a comic script I wrote way back in February called CRYPT ZERO. It’s with an artist now, who may be drawing it or using the printed copy as a doorstop. Regardless, you can read it with your eyes for the low low cost of free. Happy New Year! [gview file=”https://www.radvon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/crypt-zero-erik-radvon-2-11-13.pdf”]
RetroN 5 Delayed Until Q1 2014
Hyperkin has delayed the release of its RetroN 5 gaming console until Q1 2014. The company’s blog states that faulty connector pins caused the delay. Read Hyperkin’s Retron 5 delay blog post – http://hyperkin.com/blog/2013/11/hyperkin-to-delay-retron-5-release/ The RetroN 5 is touted by Hyperkin as an all-in-one solution for playing NES, SNES, Genesis and GBA cartridges. The console…
First Days of the Future – 48 Hours with the PlayStation 4
It was cold. It was dark. I was tired and ready for bed, but instead found myself heading for the front door. As I zipped up my jacket, my wife asked, her voice equal parts sleepy and annoyed, “Are you really doing this?” The answer was yes, I was really leaving the house in the…