It all happened so fast. The implosion of Twitter is upon us, landing like something between the fall of the USSR and the crash and burn of New Coke. Twitter’s been my dominant social media vehicle of choice for over a decade, which is crazy. In that time I’ve connected with a great network of…
Author: Erik Radvon
Celebrating 20 years of Attack of the Clones, the most Star Wars-y Star Wars of them all
Attack of the Clones is my favorite Star Wars movie. Not ironic! Not a joke! This one truly has it all when it comes to the spirit of George Lucas’s saga, and when I get the urge to watch the most Star Wars-y of the Star Wars movies, it’s AOTC that I revisit. There’s Hammer…
George Perez, Master of the Multiverse
George Perez is one of those rare comic book creators who seems to channel something otherworldly with their art. It’s not just raw draftsmanship or the skill of constructing anatomy and buildings, Perez brings stories to life. A strange, alternate universe of energy and character bubbling about like a four-color hallucination on newsprint. Yes, he’s…
The next Xbox should be a handheld gaming device
The other night I booted up my Xbox and revisited an old favorite, Bioware’s Knights of the Old Republic. I rolled up a character and cruised through the opening missions, then the clock struck my eye. It was late and I would much rather be in bed than in my cold Massachusetts living room. I…
LadyDarke #1 is coming!
Hi All, Long time no blog. Posting a quick update here on my latest comic book project, LadyDarke #1. The team behind the book closed out 2021 on a strong note, with all 24 pages of the core story penciled, inked, and colored! We’ve also gotten 2 of the 3 additional backup tales complete, with…
Cures worse than the disease and other modern miracles
I’m one of these people who not only has gotten kidney stones, but continually makes them. They’re calling me a “stone maker”, which sounds vaguely cool if the anvil for making them wasn’t a tender little organ inside my body. I’ve had like 4 or 5 documented and captured kidney stones over the last 10…
Announcing LadyDarke!
Hello Internet! I’m super thrilled to announce my next comic book is underway: LadyDarke #1! Meet Laura Lenox, LadyDarke! LadyDarke is a supernatural superhero story that tells the tale of Laura Lenox. Laura carries the ancient mantle of her arcane family while struggling to get through the daily grind of high school. It’s Spawn meets…
Crisis Vector Perfect Collection super special limited print run
Happy 2021! We made it out of 2020…kind of. I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit numb from the events yesterday in Washington D.C. We’re in the midst of dangerous days and there’s a strange lingering sensation that this isn’t the last of it quite yet. But alas, I hold out hope that…
Two waves crashing
Today was was one of those days of clear and clean duality- no shades of grey, just stark black and white. My baby turned 6 months today! I used to scoff at people who measured their kids’ lives in weeks and months, before I knew anything. The journey from day 1 to 6 months is…
Crisis Vector Perfect Collection 1.0 coming 2H 2020
Production is nearing completion on the third and final chapter of the Crisis Vector comic book series. With the last piece of the puzzle in place, the full story will now be available as intended- in one perfect collection. Published serially as three issues, Crisis Vector was always intended to be read as one story….
CRISIS VECTOR Digital Editions are here!
CRISIS VECTOR has gone digital! The current COVID lockdown is a bummer, with many of us around the world sheltered in place. I hope you all are staying home and staying healthy. Going out for comics is on hold for the time being, so I’ve made CRISIS VECTOR #1 and #2 available as digital editions…
Howdy all! Hope you are doing well, staying isolated, and feeling healthy in these strange pandemic days. Speaking honestly, there have been peaks of occasional worry bordering on panic, a numb sense of disbelief, stretches of boredom, and a million things in between. I think have a newborn here certainly adds to ol’ emotional workload….
Love in the time of Coronavirus
I’m not sure when I first caught the news of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID-19, but it was early. It was a back page kind of story, relegated to science and health column or international news sections. What struck me immediately was the scale. “Wuhan, a city of 11 million…” the articles would flatly…
I sit here on the cusp of what can only be called some major shit. Tomorrow, my wife and I check into the hospital to begin the modern medical procedure known as “birth.” It’s been 9 impossibly long months in the making, with the day of arrival a white-hot point of focus leading us on…
CRISIS VECTOR #3 is coming!
Lo, there shall be…an ending! The final chapter of CRISIS VECTOR is underway. Samir Simao returns on art duties, with Rob Croonenborghs joining on colors. Take a look at some preview images: