Superman #32 feels like the book we should have received 31 issues ago. Marvel royalty John Romita Jr. lands at DC in a big way this month, joining the company’s Chief Creative Officer and noted character rehab specialist Geoff Johns. Together, the superstar duo tackle the longstanding albatross of mainstream comics: what to do with…
Comic Review: How i Made the World #1
How i Made the World #1 is a fresh example of what comics can be outside of the standard superhero format. Smart, funny, introspective and decidedly non-epic, the first issue centers on the trials and tribulations of college student Liz as she navigates a high-stress world of art classes and smoking blunts on the beach. Read…
Comic Review: Original Sin #3
Original Sin might be Marvel’s weirdest crossover to date, but Jason Aaron’s strong script and Mike Deodato’s art make this superhero noir work. Check out my review of Original Sin #3 over at Kabooooom:
Comic Review: Thanos Annual #1
Marvel’s Mad Titan returns in Thanos Annual #1. I review it over at Check it out:
X-Men Days of Future Past Review
Marvel’s Mighty Mutants in Search of a New Now ####OBLIQUE SPOILERS AHEAD#### X-Men Days of Future Past is one of the better X-Men movies, but that doesn’t make it great. The film strives to serve two masters, simultaneously acting as both a sequel to 2011’s excellent X-Men First Class and as a consolidation / mea…
Summer Comics Events Showdown – Marvel’s Original Sin vs. DC’s New 52: Futures End
Warm weather is finally breaking here in North America, and for comic fans that means the season of the massive summer crossover is upon us. Each year, the Big Two (and increasingly, other publishers) roll out their “event” books, bringing together throngs of heroes and villains for a run at large scale storytelling. Like Hollywood…
Frankenstein Comic Production Art
Pencils by John Blevins from our upcoming Frankenstein comic…
Chris Claremont tho
Chris Claremont wrote a crazy soap opera funnybook for just shy of 20 years. Reading it as a kid, it defined my worldview. This New York Magazine article from back in 2000 provides a nice crash course in the dynamic, exciting, and ever-melodramatic Marvel comic, the Uncanny X-Men. “X-Men,” says Claremont, “has always been about…
The Adam of Dreams – A Frankenstein Comic Script
Hi Ya’ll, So I wrote a script for an indie comics anthology last year. The script ended up not being the publisher’s cup of tea for their particular collection (which is cool) and into the archives it went. I kept the piece in my files and used it as a sample boilerplate for artists I…
CRYPT ZERO Comic Script
Here’s a comic script I wrote way back in February called CRYPT ZERO. It’s with an artist now, who may be drawing it or using the printed copy as a doorstop. Regardless, you can read it with your eyes for the low low cost of free. Happy New Year! [gview file=””]
Nightcrawler — and fun — return in AMAZING X-MEN #1
Remember when the X-Men ruled the universe? In the 80s and 90s, the Uncanny X-Men weren’t just the coolest mutants in comics, they were the coolest fixtures across pop culture. Laden with sharp style, soap opera drama, and kinetic action, the X-Men were the pinnacle of escapist fun. Marvel’s Mighty Mutants don’t quite radiate the…
At 25, AKIRA still challenges and captivates
TETSUO! Believe it or not, the anime classic AKIRA turns 25 this year. Katsuhiro Otomo’s landmark film gets a deluxe anniversary Blu Ray / DVD release Nov. 12. I look back at Otomo’s violent yet weirdly beautiful Neo Tokyo in this week’s Thowback Thursday column on The AKIRA 25th anniversary set is currently available…
Hello Darkness My Old Friend – THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE #1 Review
Nearly 20 years after the original 75-issue run of Sandman wrapped, Neil Gaiman and J.H. Williams III bring readers back to the world the Dreaming with The Sandman: Overture. Does Gaiman’s Sandman still stack up after all these years? Read my review of Overture #1 on to find out.
I bought a box of old comics…
I bought a box of old comics for $20. No Action #1, but some cool mid-80s stuff. Here’s the haul: (This pic is blurry due to hand shaking, which apparently can happen after consuming enormous iced coffees like the one seen in background) First batch- Awesome chunk of Eastman and Laird era TMNT. These stories…
All Steel, No Feel – Man of Steel Review
Spoilers of MAN OF STEEL below. Confession – I love Superman. I think the character’s unique perch in the global pop culture pantheon is endlessly fascinating, his legends and lore quietly epic, his supporting cast of Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Ma and Pa Kent, and Lex Luthor second to none. But that’s a…