Here’s a completely subjective breakdown of some of my favorite things about 2014, in no particular order. 1. Winter Soldier Yeah, I know Guardians of the Galaxy had the raccoon and the talking tree and the humor and the amazing soundtrack, but Marvel’s first 2014 offering, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, took me to a…
Kevin Smith Reads My Words at Jay and Silent Bob Get Old Boston!
It’s hard to peg how big of an influence Kevin Smith’s “Clerks” had on my artistic sensibilities growing up. While I was scrubbing pots and pans at IHOP, emptying greasetraps at McDonalds, and, yes, working the cash register at convenience stores, the idea that Smith, a dude of my ilk whose New Jersey landscape mirrored…
Hello, Internet
Erik Radvon here. Site is under some construction, should be wrapped up and ready for digital consumption by the end of the weekend. Cheers, Erik