Pencils by John Blevins from our upcoming Frankenstein comic…
Chris Claremont tho
Chris Claremont wrote a crazy soap opera funnybook for just shy of 20 years. Reading it as a kid, it defined my worldview. This New York Magazine article from back in 2000 provides a nice crash course in the dynamic, exciting, and ever-melodramatic Marvel comic, the Uncanny X-Men. “X-Men,” says Claremont, “has always been about…
The Adam of Dreams – A Frankenstein Comic Script
Hi Ya’ll, So I wrote a script for an indie comics anthology last year. The script ended up not being the publisher’s cup of tea for their particular collection (which is cool) and into the archives it went. I kept the piece in my files and used it as a sample boilerplate for artists I…
CRYPT ZERO Comic Script
Here’s a comic script I wrote way back in February called CRYPT ZERO. It’s with an artist now, who may be drawing it or using the printed copy as a doorstop. Regardless, you can read it with your eyes for the low low cost of free. Happy New Year! [gview file=””]
Kevin Smith Reads My Words at Jay and Silent Bob Get Old Boston!
It’s hard to peg how big of an influence Kevin Smith’s “Clerks” had on my artistic sensibilities growing up. While I was scrubbing pots and pans at IHOP, emptying greasetraps at McDonalds, and, yes, working the cash register at convenience stores, the idea that Smith, a dude of my ilk whose New Jersey landscape mirrored…