LadyDarke #4
- Writer – Erik Radvon
- Art – Samir Simao
- Letters – Micah Myers
- Special thanks: Rob Croonenborghs
I could’ve used a “Meanwhile…” here at the top of the page (d’oh!). Regardless, we cut away from the action for a short beat to feature gool ol’ Grandpa, and the cat familiar LadyDarke picked up in the Darke Realms in issue #3.
Samir rules. I love his rendering of this character and his surroundings. And our cat friend, too. Expressive and alive.
I should note, Samir does his artwork the old school way- pencils and inks on a board. There’s an energy from human hand to page that sort of feels like magic to me. Kind of what comics are all about.