It’s an unholy union as Whitelock uses the full force of his technology and resources to transfer his consciousness into the body of BloodFyst. This plan has been building since issue #2, where we see Whitelock swoop in and claim BloodFyst with his corporate goons.
Magic, technology, transformation, and transference all seem to be recurring themes in my comics. This was something I had in my notes from the earliest days of LadyDarke. Cool to see it play out on the page.
Samir’s put his own distinct style on BloodFyst in this issue. It’s a bit different than what Emilio Utrera did in #2 and #3. I like ’em both! The cool thing about comics is seeing these fabricated worlds interpreted differently by different artists. I think there’s enough continuity between it all to make it work.
This is also the first direct face-to-face confrontation between Whitelock and LadyDarke. They’ve been dancing around in each other’s orbit for 3 issues, and now they collide.
This issue really is about all the pieces set in motion smashing into each other, like CERN particles throwing off quarks (or whatever…I’m not a scientist, but I do watch NOVA on PBS).