After a long creative slumber, I’m waking up! I’ve reworked things around here, rolling out some site changes, updating the shop, and embarking on a daily blog series. Let’s dive in.
New Digital Comics
New digital comics are finally available! LadyDarke #1, #2, and #3 are now available for e-purchase, as well as my complete collection of Crisis Vector. Getting LadyDarke #3 and Crisis Vector out there is especially satisfying- I’m really proud of both and think you all will enjoy the heck out of ’em. Check out their shop listings below:
New Digital Comics are Here!
LadyDarke #1 Digital Deluxe
$5.00 -
LadyDarke #2 Digital
$5.00 -
LadyDarke #3 Digital
$5.00 -
Crisis Vector Perfect Collection 1.0 – Digital
LadyDarke #4 Blog Release
I completed LadyDarke #4 a year or so ago, and somehow forgot to actually do anything with it. Maybe it was kids, work, family, snow, general state of the world – pick one, pick all.
I’ve dug LadyDarke #4 out of the vault and I’m trying something new with it, releasing it a page at a time on my blog.
Get started with Page 1 here, and be sure to check back daily Monday – Saturday for new pages.
Let me know what you think. I love this issue. Samir really delivered some killer art.

Updated theme and pages
The site’s been cleaned up, finally receiving some much-needed love, care, and editing. Hopefully it’s looking clean and working great on your end.
I also did a major overhaul of the Comics section, with a new landing page and refreshed pages for individual titles, including easy shop links. Click below to give it a visit:

New (and old) social media
The social media landscape is a fractured mess right now. There are some new challengers emerging from the chaos. None of them have quite clicked for me like the halcyon times of pre-apocalyptic Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. I still have accounts on the old guard social media, but I’m far less active in those wastelands these days.
For those flocking to greener social pastures, I have new-ish accounts on BlueSky and Threads. I’m liking BlueSky a lot – the look, feel, and functionality all seem to be in place. I also have an account on Mastodon, which is fun and seems to be about 347% nerdier than other platforms. But who knows. Maybe social media is just kaput at this point?
I do love connecting with people about comics, video games, movies, art, and other non-end-of-the-world stuff. Perhaps, like shopping malls and functioning democracy, that’s a fading notion. Anyways, you can follow me on the newfangled socials here:
As always, thanks for reading! Stay tuned for some potential announcements here in the near future. And in the meantime, enjoy LadyDarke #4!