Exciting news- CRISIS VECTOR is finally here! The complete collection is now available on my shop for digital download. Get it now! Crisis Vector blends Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, Japanese roleplaying games, and ’80s rock operas together into an incredible epic tale with memorable characters and non-stop creativity. Written and created by Erik Radvon, featuring art…
Tag: crisis vector
Crisis Vector Perfect Collection super special limited print run
Happy 2021! We made it out of 2020…kind of. I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit numb from the events yesterday in Washington D.C. We’re in the midst of dangerous days and there’s a strange lingering sensation that this isn’t the last of it quite yet. But alas, I hold out hope that…
Crisis Vector Perfect Collection 1.0 coming 2H 2020
Production is nearing completion on the third and final chapter of the Crisis Vector comic book series. With the last piece of the puzzle in place, the full story will now be available as intended- in one perfect collection. Published serially as three issues, Crisis Vector was always intended to be read as one story….
Howdy all! Hope you are doing well, staying isolated, and feeling healthy in these strange pandemic days. Speaking honestly, there have been peaks of occasional worry bordering on panic, a numb sense of disbelief, stretches of boredom, and a million things in between. I think have a newborn here certainly adds to ol’ emotional workload….
CRISIS VECTOR #3 is coming!
Lo, there shall be…an ending! The final chapter of CRISIS VECTOR is underway. Samir Simao returns on art duties, with Rob Croonenborghs joining on colors. Take a look at some preview images:
Lo, there shall come…A CRISIS VECTOR #1 COVER!
Crisis Vector #1 cover. Art: Samir Simao. Colors: Ross Taylor. Letters/Logo/Design: Micah Myers. Pain/Fretting: Me.
CRISIS VECTOR #1 Soundtrack!
I thought it would be fun to put together a lil’ soundtrack for CRISIS VECTOR #1. Check it out below! Here’s a page guide: Phantom Lord – Metallica – Pages 1-6 Wicked Annabella – The Kinks – Pages 7-11 Government Center – The Modern Lovers – Page 12 Promentory – Trevor Jones/The Last of the…
Crisis Vector is Coming
Hey! Long time no blog. My site was hacked to the max, but the digital poison has been cleansed and I’m back in action! Lots to catch up on, but let’s start with this: CRISIS VECTOR. New comic. Three big issues. Full length. Full color. Full face melting. CRISIS VECTOR #1 kicks off the adventure…
I’m pleased to announce my next comic project- CRISIS VECTOR: Eternal Flow of the Quantum River. More to come in early 2018. Stay tuned. Logo design my the ever-excellent Micah Myers. Follow him here.