Famous Monsters of Filmland

ALIEN: TERROR BEGINS AT 40! Famous Monsters #291, published October 2019
THEY LIVE at 30: Revisiting John Carpenter’s cult classic Famous Monsters of Filmland #290, published October 2018.
RETURN OF THE JEDI: The closing chapter of the original Star Wars trilogy stands as one of the most iconic monster movies of all time. Famous Monsters of Filmland #290, published October 2018.
Worcester Magazine

Adapted for Television by The Discovery Channel and The Smithsonian Channel.
Click here for more info on the TV show.
Man on fire | Profile of artist/firefighter Brian Burris
The Nutcracker heralds the holidays
Necktie Party: Proper dress not required
Now on display: Worcester’s art scene
Wicca’d Witch | Pagan Halloween
The boys (and girl) are back in town | Zonkaraz reunion
Kabooooom.com Pop Culture and Comic Reviews
Throwback Thursday: AKIRA 25th Anniversary Retrospective
The Unlikely Legacy of ‘Knightfall’ – Part I – The Breaking of the 20th Century Bat
The Unlikely Legacy of ‘Knightfall’ – Part II – He Who Rules the Night
The Unlikely Legacy of ‘Knightfall’ – Part III – Return of the King
Comic Review Samples:
Black Kiss XXXmas in July Special (Image)
Full archive of Erik Radvon reviews at Kabooooom.com
Letters to the Editor
Loved the story
I am writing to thank Worcester Magazine for a great article on my band, Zonkaraz. Erik Radvon is a very talented writer and he found a new way to write about our band that was fresh. The reunion held at the Hanover was wonderful. The Hanover is beautiful and they were a pleasure to work with. We had a large crowd that danced and cheered all night. We give props to WoMag for helping us and we are sure they helped greatly getting the word out. There should be no doubt that Worcester Magazine is Worcester. They were very friendly, cooperative, professional and truly understand their place in the community. If my experience is any example, Worcester Magazine is going to be around as long as they want and will continue to be a nice alternative voice for the city.
Paul Vuona
Westerly, R.I.
Dear editor,
In “Faces of Violence” (WoMag, Nov. 4, 2010), writer Erik Radvon and photographer Steven King paint a compelling picture of teen violence in Worcester and our community’s response. Thank you for giving clear focus to this issue.
It’s encouraging to see the developing collaboration between the police, community organizations, and citizens – all focused on breaking the cycle of violence by offering realistic alternatives to gang involvement for at-risk youth. In this regard, the non-profit Center for Nonviolent Solutions has developed a website www.nonviolentsolution.org that links people who want to contribute time, talent, or money with community groups that need help in order to expand their efforts to build nonviolent solutions.
The staff and volunteers at community organizations on the front lines of the struggle to engage at-risk youth need our support. As Martin Luther King said over 50 years ago “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love.” Have you tried a nonviolent solution today?
John Paul Marosy,
Board Member, Center for Nonviolent Solutions
The Holden Landmark
Wii, Xbox, PS3 – Get your game on!
Holden native supplies vision for ‘BioShock’
Bear Hill shut down by Attorney General
Funding the arts for the price of a used car
Last ride for Rutland skate park
Skeletal remains found in Rutland
400 soccer players, zero soccer fields
For full archives, please visit http://www.thelandmark.com and search for ‘Radvon.’
Leominster Champion
He lived a life of valor | PFC Jonathan Roberge memorial service
City lands on month of free parking
Five days later, thousands still without power
The Airport | Behind the scenes of a municipal airport
Community rallies to keep residents warm
Jennifer Flanagan heads to the Senate
Tri-Sum Chips celebrates 100 years
Uruguayan factor adds to City’s soccer success
Baseball takes hold of a new generation
Setting the stage for a successful home sale
New leadership at the Champion | Assistant Editor announcement
Fishing derby reels in hundreds
Brick by brick, city remembers
Free Grand Slams a hit with locals
For full archives, please visit http://www.leominsterchamp.com and search for ‘Radvon.’
The Sturbridge Times Magazine
Sturbridge native Therese Hillman’s odyssey through local and national politics
Take yourself out to a ballgame | Worcester Tornadoes Baseball Team profile